SPDB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. is a national non-bank financial institution that offers financial leasing services. The company was established in Shanghai on May 11, 2012, and has a registered capital of 6.403 billion yuan. The controlling shareholder of the company is Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd.(“SPD Bank”), and the shareholders also include Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd.(“COMAC”), Shanghai State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd.(“SSAO”), and Shanghai West Coast Wisdom Valley Development Co., Ltd. As the first financial leasing company in China combining financial capital and industrial capital, SPDB Financial Leasing relies on the powerful platform and advantageous resources of the shareholders to give full play to the financial leasing features of "industry-financing combination" and "financing and leased properties". The company specializes in the development of aviation and shipping, advanced manufacturing and emerging industries, energy and power, infrastructure, public utilities and other fields, and provides customers with professional, featured and innovative financial leasing products and services wholeheartedly.
浦银金融租赁股份有限公司是从事融资租赁业务的全国性非银行金融机构。公司于2012年5月11日在上海正式开业,注册资本 64.03 亿元。公司控股股东为上海浦东发展银行,股东还包括中国商用飞机有限责任公司、上海国有资产经营有限公司、上海西岸智慧谷发展有限公司。浦银金租作为全国首家金融资本和产业资本结合的金融租赁公司,依托股东方的强大平台和优势资源,充分发挥融资租赁“产融结合”、“融资融物”的功能特点。专注于航空航运、先进制造及新兴产业、能源电力、基础设施、公用事业等领域的发展,竭诚为客户提供专业化、特色化、创新型的金融租赁产品和服务。